Sunday 29 September 2013



This is the stage in which all the planning for the project takes place. During pre-production, the production is broken down into individual scenes and all the locations, props, cast members, costumes and special effects are identified. The script  is written at this stage. A detailed schedule is produced and arrangements are made for the necessary elements or people to be available to the film-makers at the appropriate times.

This is the stage at which all the filming is carried out. All scenes planned out in pre-production are filmed at the relevant locations. Each scene is filmed as many times as the director needs to ensure the best quality scenes will be used to make the film. This is wherethe pre-production work is put to the test. Great care must be taken to make sure that all the filming is done correctly and all necessary shots are takenas it is sometimes difficult or impossible to go back and repeat certain events if the filming is incomplete when it comes to the post-production stage.

This is the stage in which the film is put together and refibed by the editor. The first job of the film editor is to build a rough cut taken from sequences (or scenes) based on individual takes (shots). The purpose of the rough cut is to select and order the best shots. The next step is to create a fine cut by getting all the shots to flow smoothly in a seamless story. Trimming - the process of shortening scenes by a few minutes, seconds, or even frames - is done during this phase. As well as the editing of footage, all music, graphics, menus etc are added in this stage. it is then moved to a final cut after the fine cut has been screened and approved by the director and producer. 

Films go from the edit house to the audience  by: digital cinema projector (DCP), shipped 30mm projector,
DVD, online, TV. 
Distributors may  choose one weekend over another to line it up with a certain event or release of other franchise merchandise or it could just be on a bank holiday or a special event i.e xmas, easter, valentines day, etc. 

Some examples of marketing are advertising in magazines, adverts, trailers, billboards, internet, social media sites, merchandise, word of mouth, etc 
The type of audience that see the film all depends on the type of marketing you use, for example middle aged people in london will see a lot of billboards and buses for films that they would see as appose to them being on the internet because a middle aged person is less likely to be "surfing the web".


In films these days there seems to be an obsession with making an emotional attachment to a character than actually making a stand out film. Because they make more money from merchandise that way. But what makes a great film is an engaging one, a film that gets the audience involved by making them question the meaning in the context of the film rather than just sitting there and staring at a screen

The Film Value Chain
Value-chain analysis looks at every step a business goes through, from raw materials to the eventual end-user. The goal is to deliver maximum value for the least possible total cost.-

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