Sunday 29 September 2013



This is the stage where all the filming is carried out. Before the actual production of a film there is a pre production and a post production as well as the actual production. Pre-production is the planning of the film/project. A detailed schedule/plan follows after. The post production is the 'final' cut in which the film is assembled by the editor. In this stage the editing of the footage takes place and the next step of 'final cutting'.


This is the process of where the film is made available for the audience to watch within the industry.
Distributors may decide to go for many simultaneous releases which have many advantages to both consumers such as the audience having the choice of whether to have a home cinema or to go to the cinema itself.


There are many different marketing techniques such as advertising film trailers on You Tube, posters on  billboards (Ideally in Central) , bus adverts, texts, word of mouth, through magazines, Happy meals and its free toys related to the film. One of the most cheapest and fastest way to promote/market a film especially in today's era and use of technology has to be the use of Internet as social networks such as Twitter being a really useful way to gain attention to a particular film ; e.g. Think like a man, Hunger games, The avengers being the top 3 most tweeted movies in 2012.


Audiences have many ways to see a film from home cinema, purchasing/renting a DVD, cinema going, and downloading. With most choices the distributors gain their money and make profits. However there are also its negatives e.g. downloading films illegally which would mean distributors losing out profit wise especially as it is becoming widely popular.

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