Sunday 6 October 2013


there are different stages of production:
PRE PRODUCTION: this is the stage before making the actual film, this includes the planning. planning is making the synopsis of the film and having a ruff idea of what the films about. you then make a storyboard which shows the clips and main events of the film. then you start getting cast together and the locations that would be Efor each of the scenes and also the props.
PRODUCTION: this is the literal making of the film everything being planned being put into one. locations that were allocated now being filmed. some scenes can be filmed a numerous amount of times until the director films the 'take' is good enough to use.
POST PRODUCTION: This is when the film is given to the editor. The editor takes out all the takes to start off with and then does the more difficult editing.
the distributor goes many routes to distribute the film. They also spend incredible amounts on getting it to the cinema and other places the movie is shown. the distributor issues the movie to the cinemas. they set the release dates and when the film will be shown.
There are many ways of publishing the films(buses,billboards,television) advertising the film depends on who the audience is. If  the film is for a child you may want to advertise it where children are likely to be. like in Mc donalds where there are happy meals. Distributing toys of the characters will make them remember the characters and encourage them to see the film.
Cinemas fall into 1 of 2 categories: national chains; and independent exhibitors. The specific programming will depend on the target audience. audience engage with films for many different reasons like because of the actresses or because of the story line.
the film value chain
Theatrical launch - film released
No Theatrical - aeroplanes, hotels, coaches.
Pay/ Subscription - Pay per view, Sky, Video on demand
Free for air - on the televison
Licensed Merchandise.

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